City Night Hike

  • 30 Dec 2017
  • 6:00 PM
  • 4258 18th St, San Francisco, CA

Join us for the ever popular annual Holiday Lights Hike as we walk up and down 3 - 4 miles of staircases and hills above the Castro, Corona Heights, Upper Market. Decorations, lights, green spaces, hidden stairways and stellar views will combine to treat the senses.

LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: Moderate--We will be walking at a moderate pace up and down steep streets, hills, and many sets of stairs.

DINNER FIRST? Join me at the Firewood Cafe at 5 for a bite before the walk. RSVP for dinner by 4:30 so I can snag an appropriately sized table.

HIKE ONLY: Meet at 6 pm outside Firewood Cafe.

BRING: Good walking shoes, poles (optional), flashlight or headlamp necessary for some of the green spaces and staircases.

DOGS: Friendly, well-behaved dogs are welcome provided they remain on a non-retractable leash and don't get underfoot or jump up on other dogs or people.


Level: Moderate

Cancellation Policy: Any rain cancels

Hosted by Paget Valentzas

(415) 271-2945

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